Unlock the Potential of Your Supply Chain

Imagine a world of limitless possibilities in freight management. The AB Group Shipping Platform revolutionizes the way you, your partners, and suppliers operate, providing unmatched visibility and control from the moment a purchase order is generated to the final delivery.

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Get Your Records Set Up In No Time

AB Group Shipping Customs can process 600 new SKUs within three days, 2,500 within a week, or 25,000 within a month. After classification, the codes are integrated into the AB Group Shipping Platform. Need to ship with a different provider? We're here to assist promptly.

Explore Your Product Catalog In Depth

AB Group Shipping Customs' consultants can analyze your product assortments and propose the most advantageous codes that are fully compliant. Manage current or past risks, revise submissions, or decrease duty exposure.

Decipher the Regulations as Codes Shift

Keep in mind that rules and product specifications can change. Update your product codes accordingly to maintain compliance and FTA benefits eligibility. Stay proactive with smart solutions.

A Small Change Can Have a Huge Impact

The HTS codes listed in your AB Group Shipping Product Library are essential for ensuring consistency in all transactions. This structured data is designed to enhance your trade strategy, offering potential financial opportunities at the six-digit level or beyond with the right analysis.

Minor Changes Result in Major Decreases in Duties

Should the pocket shift down, will the glass piece bend? Tariff engineering is the brilliant practice of modifying products to meet import classifications at a reduced duty rate. Make minor tweaks, save a substantial amount.

Ready to start?

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 Maximize Your Digital Flow

Air Freight

Streamline air cargo operations for even quicker delivery.

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Optimize merchandise clearance. Harness data for planning.

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Order Management

Effortlessly create and handle purchase orders within the AB Group Shipping Platform.

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Ocean Freight

Embark on a reliable oceanic journey, supported by a sea of data that's got your back.

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